Regensburg is a lively university city with over 30,000 students. As a result, the housing market is very tight. The search for a room is the students' own responsibility! It is recommended to start the search as early as possible, as many rooms are already assigned early!
Student dormitories and Private housing market
As an international student of OTH Regensburg you can apply for a room in a student dormitory through the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.
There are also dormitories you can directly apply to.
Prerequisite for a place in a student dormitory is a valid certificate of enrolment.
Please apply for a room in a student dormitory as early as possible and observe the application deadlines of the individual dormitories!The OTH Regensburg does not have any dormitories. But the International Office of the OTH Regensburg gets to administrate a very limited number of dorm rooms from other companies to give them to our exchange students. If some of the exchange students cannot come to Regensburg, the International Office can also give these rooms to degree-seeking students for a limited amount of time. In order to apply to our waiting list for any remaining rooms through the International Office, please fill in the online application form:
- Application Form for the Waiting List (This is only the application for the waiting list of the OTH Regensburg's International Office! You can find more information about the official application for a dorm room on the websites of the respective dormitories).
For your search for available rooms on the private housing market please use
- the offers in the daily newspapers
- the notices on the "bulletin boards" of OTH Regensburg and the University of Regensburg
- internet platforms and
- social media.
If you cannot find a room directly in the city of Regensburg, you can also search a bit outside and commute to the OTH Regensburg with your student ID, which includes a valid ticket for the local public transport.
For a short-term stay, hostels, youth hostels, and hotels are available.
We have summarized important information, addresses and links in our overview on accomodation.
The city of Regensburg has compiled extensive information about life in Regensburg on its website (only available in German).
If you would like to change your study programme, please note: You must inform the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) about a change of your study programme as early as possible! Otherwise your stay is illegal!
Registration at the place of residence
Within one week after moving into a room or an apartment, you have to register at the Bürgerzentrum (Abteilung für Ausländerangelegenheiten – Department for Foreigners' Affairs) with your new address! If you move out of your room and move abroad, you must also deregister your apartment. If you move to another apartment within your place of residence, you have to re-register.
Please observe the obligation to register!
EU Citizens: Residence Permit (Aufenthaltsanzeiger) / Certificate of Right of Residence (Bescheinigung des Aufenthaltsrechts)
EU citizens as well as citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway must register at the city's Bürgerzentrum if they plan to stay for more than three months. They must apply there for a Bescheinigung über ihr gemeinschaftsrechtliches Aufenthaltsrecht = Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung.
Required for this application are:
- Aufenthaltsanzeiger for nationals of the member states of the European Union and the EEA states as well as their family members
- valid passport/identity card
Do not enter the country as a tourist or visitor! Once you have entered Germany, a tourist visa cannot be converted into a student visa.
You can find further information on the website of the German Federal Foreign Office.
Non-EU Citizens: Application for a Residence Title / Residence Permit (Aufenthaltstitel / Aufenthaltserlaubnis)
After their arrival in Regensburg, non-EU citizens must register at the Regensburg Bürgerzentrum within one week and apply for a residence permit. The residence permit for students will only be issued after enrolment.
The following documents are required to apply for a residence permit:
- application form for a residence permit (can be found at Formularcenter des Bürgerzentrums Regensburg, website only available in German)
- valid passport with entry visa
- certificate of enrolment from the university
- certificate of health insurance
- biometric passport photo
- proof of secure livelihood (proof of financing – information DAAD)
- money for fees (about 110 €)
Contact for the city of Regensburg:
Bürgerzentrum der Stadt Regensburg – Abteilung Ausländerangelegenheiten
Maximilianstraße 26, 93047 Regensburg
Tel. 0941 / 507-2777
E-Mail:auslaenderangelegenheiten(at)regensburg.dePlease note the opening hours of the Foreigners' Registration Office!
Education costs
The semester fee of € 181 (as of winter semester 2024/2025) must be paid by all students each semester. The semester fee includes the RVV semester ticket and the contribution to the student union. For the first semester, the fee is due upon enrolment. For the following semesters, payment is due before the respective re-enrolment deadlines, which are published on our website.
For students from non-EU countries, OTH Regensburg charges a service fee of € 500 for most English-language degree programmes. This fee is charged each semester in addition to the regular semester fee and must be paid upon enrolment or re-registration. It serves to expand the services required for the support and integration of international students on English-language degree programmes at OTH Regensburg.
Living costs
You will need to budget at least € 800 to € 900 per month for daily living expenses during your stay in Regensburg.
If you come from a non-EU country, you will need to provide proof of a certain amount per month. However, you may need more to pay for your room, food and everyday necessities. As the number of subsidised rooms in student residences is very limited, you may have to pay up to € 700 for rent alone.
On the DAAD website you will find detailed information about education and living costsin Germany.
If you work part-time alongside your full-time studies, you can earn up to € 538 per month. But please remember that your student visa only allows a limited number of days per year.
The German Student Union provides in a YouTube-Video answers to the question: How do I finance my studies in Germany?
On Sundaysand holidays all shops and supermarkets are closed! But: Some of the shops at the main train station are opened daily (also on Sundays).
Regensburg can be easily explored by bike. Getting yourself a bike is recommended. You can get second-hand bikes at flea markets or at bike stores.
Going out: In most bars you have to pay your drinks when you leave, not when you get them. It is customary to give a small ‘round-up’ tip (10 %) in any restaurant, café, bar, etc. In Bavaria it is forbidden to smoke in any bars, restaurants, clubs, etc. and in public buildings.
Swimming: Guggenbergersee in Neutraubling, Sarchinger See in Sarching, Roithersee near Neuallkofenor, Naabspitz, Westbad, Hallenbad, Wöhrdbad
Bismarckplatz: On summer evenings, this place is full of students enjoying a beer or an ice cream.
Danube Cruise: An unforgettable excursion on the Danube, whether visiting parents or just on a nice day with friends!
Dreifaltigkeitskirche: From this hill behind Stadtamhofyou have a fantastic view of the whole city. In winter, this is a great place for sledding!
Bicycle tour to the Walhalla: The approx. 11 km to the Ehrentempelcan be done by bike in one hour. Great view guaranteed!
Barbecue on the banks of the Danube:On the Jahninselis a good atmosphere, at the GrieserSpitz usually a little quieter.
For many students, a part-time job is necessary during their studies or during the semester breaks in order to secure their livelihood.
Students from EU countries are generally allowed to work in a part-time job like German students:
- during the semester: 20 hours per week
- during the semester break: Full-time
Students from non-EU countries normally do not receive a work permit and are only allowed to work a maximum of 120 full days or 240 half days per year without a work permit (see stamp in passport). If you want to work more than 120 full days or 240 half days in a job that is not a part-time student job, you must have it approved by the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde)!
If you have legal questions about part-time jobs, please contact the Studentenwerk.
Where can I find part-time jobs?
- Job offers for student and research assistants as well as tutors at OTH Regensburg
- Studentenwerk (Student Union)
- OTH Regensburg’s online job platform
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency)
- www.jobs.meinestadt.de
- www.monster.de
Temporary employment agencies (Zeitarbeitsfirmen) also arrange student part-time jobs.
Sickness and Emergencies
- Police: 110 (without area code, also from cell phone)
- Fire department / rescue service / emergency doctor: 112 (without area code, also from a cell phone): only in acute, life-threatening emergencies such as fire, accident, illness, if you can no longer go to the doctor yourself
- Medical on-call service (if you need medical help on weekends, holidays or at night)
- Regensburg area 01805 / 19 12 12
- Nationwide 116 117
- Emergency room of the university hospital 0941 / 944-2310
(for acute illnesses or injuries; open 24 hours a day; address: Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 11, bus: line 6, direction "Klinikum"). - Medical emergency practice Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder: 0941 / 3690 (if medical condition occurs outside normal office hours, a general practitioner is available; address: Prüfeninger Str. 86, bus: line 1, direction "Prüfening")
- Dental emergency service / university hospital: 0941 / 944-0 (if you need a dentist on weekends, holidays, or at night)
- Women's emergency hotline: 0941 / 24171 (counselling centre for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence)
- Telephone counselling (for matters concerning mental health): 0800 / 1 11 01 11 or 1 11 02 22 (only conversations in German; to the international offer by the TelefonSeelsorge (telephone counselling))
Ambulance Transport
As a rule, ambulance transport is only paid for by the health insurance company if it is prescribed by a doctor. It is intended for people who cannot take a taxi because of the severity of their medical condition. In the case of private health insurance, it is necessary to check whether this service is included in the policy. If this benefit is not included, the private health insurance will probably not cover the costs. An ambulance transport costs on average about 600 €!
What do I need at the doctor or hospital?
Students who have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) must present it at the doctor's office or hospital.
Students from non-European countries who have a private or statutory health insurance for Germany must present the respective insurance card.
Free legal advice for refugees from RLC - Refugee Law Clinic Regensburg e.V. at the University of Regensburg: https://www.rlc-regensburg.de/ (accommodation, family reunion, work permit issues etc.).
Please switch to the German version for more information about pro bono legal service.
ELO Course
You can find further important and useful information in our moodle course Infos für internationale Studierende (available in German and partly in English; access only for enrolled students with a university network user account).