Lean Startup

Worum geht es im Kurs Lean Startup?
Dieser Kurs wird im Rahmen dervhb angeboten // You can visit this course on the vhb
This course is designed to provide students with basic theories, concepts, and methods of the Lean Startup. The course does not require any prior knowledge and can be attended without specific prerequisite courses. In addition, the case studies and exercises are selected and worked on in a way that gives different insights into the topic in different industries and functional areas. The
course is thus interdisciplinary in nature and suitable for students of many disciplines.
Lean Startup encompasses a certain theory with which companies can be founded while keeping all processes as lean as possible. The main goal is to create a successful company with as little capital as possible and not to spend precious time on conceptualization, but to develop a prototype as quickly as possible. The product cycle should be reduced so that changes can be reacted to quickly.
The course starts with an overview of the basics of Lean Startup. First, the central terms are explained, their historical development is shown, and the necessity of the topic is derived on the basis of changing circumstances. Thus, Lean Startup is established as a way of thinking. Based on these fundamentals, organizational and personal prerequisites for the implementation of successful Lean Startup processes are then introduced and deepened. Based on this, the Lean Startup process is explained and practiced in detail step by step.
Für wen?
Geöffnet für Studierende aus folgenden Fakultäten
(mit Teilnahmebestätigung, ggf. Anrechenbar)
Alle Studiengänge der OTH Regensburg
Anmeldung, Termine, ELO-Link
Die Kursanmeldung findet über das Portal der vhb statt.
FH RegensburgLeistungsnummer
WirtschaftswissenschaftenAnmeldezeitraum vhb: 15.03.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 15.05.2024 23:59 Uhr
Die Kurs- und Prüfungsanmeldung erfolgt ausschließlich über die vhb.
Asynchron und virtuell, weitere Details auf der Seite der vhb
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