Regensburger Wasserstoffkonferenz

Biogas plant

2017 | 6th Conference Power-to-Gas and Power-to-X

Europe’s Energy Industry 

Power-to-Gas and Power-to-X play a vital role in the transformation of Europe‘s energy systems. Besides research laying the ground for industrial implementation, there are Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Fuel pilot plants and demonstration facilities that have shown the technical feasibility and market readiness of this new technology. An outlook and update of the developing markets, frameworks and economic business models concluded the event-programme

2016 | 5th Conference Power-to-Gas

Europe‘s Energy Transition

The focus of the conference was on projects for the European energy industry. Besides market development topics like Power-to-Gas and Power-to-X implementation in industrial MW-scale will be discussed. International specialists, leading scientists and experts of well-known companies gave information about the state of technology as well as the latest results from research and development.programme

hydrogen pipeline with wind turbines in the background
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2015 | 4rd Conference Power-to-Gas

Renewable Fuels for Europe’s Energy Industry

The focus of the conference was on projects for the European energy industry. Besides market development conditions topics like power-to-gas implementation of hydrogen and methane gas had been discussed in the programme. As official side event and part of Energy Storage Europe Expo and Conference and IRES, the 4th OTTI Conference Power-to-Gas took place in Düsseldorf on March 11th, 2015.

Hydrogen power plant, large steel tanks and pipes
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2014 | 3rd Conference Power-to-Gas

Projects for Europe's Energy Industry

Besides market development conditions topics like power to gas implementation of hydrogen and methane gas had been discussed in the programme. International specialists and scientists took part and offered information about the state of technology as well as the latest results from research and development. As official side event of the Energy Storage Germany the 3rd OTTI Conference Power-to-Gas took place in Düsseldorf on March 27th, 2014. impressions

Aerial View of Green Fields and Sustainable Infrastructure for Bio-Fuel Production
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2013 | 2. Forum Power-to-Gas

Integration von Biogasanlagen & Biologische Methanisierung

Themenschwerpunkte des Forums waren die Integration von Power-to-Gas in Biogasanlagen, Biologische Methanisierung in Entwicklung und Umsetzung und Innovationen aus dem Bereich Power-to-Gas. Es gab umfassende Informationen zum neuesten Stand der Technik, Entwicklungs- und Erfahrungsberichte von international ­anerkannten Fachleuten und die Vorstellung realisierter Projekte. Programm

Power-to-X Weltkarte

2012 | 1. Forum Power-to-Gas

Wann beginnt die Zukunft von Power-to-Gas?

Im Rahmen der Bioenergiewoche vom 8.-12. Oktober 2012 in Regensburg veranstaltete OTTI e.V. mehrere professionelle Foren und das 21. Symposium.

Das erste Forum Power-to-Gas fand am 8. Oktober 2012 unter fachlicher Leitung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sterner, Hochschule Regensburg statt. Es wurde über verschiedene Aspekte von Power-to-Gas in Forschung und Entwicklung, in Anwendung und Umsetzung, zum rechtlichen Rahmen, Ökobilanzen, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Zukunftsmodell referiert.