International Office

DAAD-Preis für Informatikstudent aus Taiwan

Für seine hervorragenden Leistungen im Masterstudium Informatik erhielt Song-Hao Huang aus Taiwan den DAAD-Preis 2022.

---English version below---

Als Song-Hao Huang 2020 sein Masterstudium der Informatik an der OTH Regensburg begann, war es bedingt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie zunächst nicht so, wie er es sich vorgestellt hatte: Durch virtuelle Kurse konnte er sich zwar fachlich weiterentwickeln und dazulernen, aber Kontaktbeschränkungen und das fehlende Campusleben machten ein Kennenlernen der Mitstudierenden und ein kulturelles Ankommen zunächst schwer. Umso mehr freut er sich, dass er nun das gemeinsame Miteinander und den Austausch mit Professorinnen und Professoren und anderen Studierenden auf dem Campus erleben kann.
Schon während seines Studiums an der Chaoyang University of Technology in Taiwan wurde er aufgrund der Kooperation zwischen den zwei Partnerhochschulen auf die OTH Regensburg aufmerksam. Er hat sich dann für ein Masterstudium an der OTH Regensburg entschieden und es bis heute nicht bereut. An der OTH Regensburg gefallen ihm besonders die praktische Ausrichtung und die Möglichkeit, während des Studiums ein Praktikum in einer Firma zu absolvieren. Auch die Stadt Regensburg und ihre Atmosphäre haben einen bleibenden Eindruck bei dem Studenten hinterlassen: „The Danube, the Stone Bridge, the Cathedral, the old town, the campus, and the beautiful scenery, where you cannot only enjoy the beauty of history but also feel the academic atmosphere.“ Seine Begeisterung für Regensburg plant er auch mit Studierenden an seiner Alma Mater in Chaoyang zu teilen. Gleichzeitig möchte er Deutschen Taiwan näherbringen und nennt drei Aspekte, die sein Heimatland beschreiben: „First, the populace is warm and willing to help others. Second, the night market culture – each night market is full of specialty products and snacks, each with its unique characteristics and flavours. Third, tourism – Taiwan has many mountains and is surrounded by the sea, which makes various types of hiking and diving activities very popular.“

Bereit für berufliche Zukunft auf internationalem Parkett

Sein Studium hat er bisher hervorragend gemeistert und steht nun kurz vor seiner Masterarbeit, die er bei einem Unternehmen schreiben wird. Seine Erfolgsgeschichte setzt sich fort: Ihm wurde 2022 der Preis für hervorragende Leistungen internationaler Studierender an den deutschen Hochschulen des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdiensts (DAAD) verliehen, der mit 1.000 Euro dotiert ist.
Seine berufliche Zukunft könnte er sich sowohl in Taiwan als auch in einem anderen Land sehr gut vorstellen: „I love and enjoy coding. I’ve seen a piece of visionary code that catches my attention. Developers use a C programming language to implement modular functionality, which aims to make porting and constructing distributed systems much easier in the future. If I’m honored enough to find someone who values a programme in this manner, I would be delighted to develop myself and work with these people, no matter where it is.”


DAAD Prize for Computer Science Student from Taiwan

Song-Hao Huang from Taiwan received the DAAD Prize 2022 for his outstanding achievements in the master’s programme in Computer Science.

When Song-Hao Huang began his master’s degree in Computer Science at the OTH Regensburg in 2020, the experience was not initially as he had imagined due to the COVID-19 pandemic: although he was able to develop his skills and learn more through virtual courses, contact restrictions and the lack of campus life made it difficult for him to get to know his fellow students and arrive culturally at first. He is all the more pleased that he can now experience the time together and enjoy the conversations with professors and other students on campus.
During his studies at the Chaoyang University of Technology in Taiwan, he became aware of the OTH Regensburg due to the cooperation between the two partner universities. He then decided to study for a master’s degree at the OTH Regensburg and has not regretted it to this day. What he particularly likes about the OTH Regensburg is the practical orientation and the opportunity to do an internship in a company during his studies. The city of Regensburg and its atmosphere have also left a lasting impression on the student: “The Danube, the Stone Bridge, the Cathedral, the old town, the campus, and the beautiful scenery, where you cannot only enjoy the beauty of history but also feel the academic atmosphere.” He also plans to share his enthusiasm for Regensburg with students at his alma mater in Chaoyang. At the same time, he wants to bring Taiwan closer to Germans and mentions three aspects that describe his home country: “First, the populace is warm and willing to help others. Second, the night market culture – each night market is full of specialty products and snacks, each with its unique characteristics and flavours. Third, tourism – Taiwan has many mountains and is surrounded by the sea, which makes various types of hiking and diving activities very popular.”
He has mastered his studies excellently so far and is now about to write his master’s thesis at a company. His success story continues: He was awarded the 2022 Prize for Outstanding Achievements of International Students Studying at German Universities by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which is endowed with 1,000 euros.
He could very well imagine his professional future both in Taiwan or in another country: “I love and enjoy coding. I’ve seen a piece of visionary code that catches my attention. Developers use a C programming language to implement modular functionality, which aims to make porting and constructing distributed systems much easier in the future. If I’m honored enough to find someone who values a programme in this manner, I would be delighted to develop myself and work with these people, no matter where it is.”

Song-Hao Huang genießt sein Masterstudium Informatik an der OTH Regensburg. Foto: Song-Hao Huang
Song-Hao Huang genießt sein Masterstudium Informatik an der OTH Regensburg. Foto: Song-Hao Huang
Für seine hervorragenden Leistungen wurde ihm der DAAD-Preis 2022 verliehen und von Dr. Wilhelm Bomke, Leiter des International Office, die Urkunde überreicht. Foto: OTH Regensburg/Claudia Trotzke
Für seine hervorragenden Leistungen wurde ihm der DAAD-Preis 2022 verliehen und von Dr. Wilhelm Bomke, Leiter des International Office, die Urkunde überreicht. Foto: OTH Regensburg/Claudia Trotzke